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 Visual Arts 9 (MVA--09)

Visual Arts 9 is designed for the student who loves to explore all methods of art making – perfect for experienced or new artists. This course builds upon the foundations laid in Art 8 with the emphasis on 2D and 3D medias. Students will develop their understanding of the elements and principles of design through individual project work, as well as related historical/cultural/social influences. Students will communicate/document their way through detailed prep work - exhibiting personal growth and exploring identity through conceptual explorations. They will explore and create with mediums/materials through drawing, painting, printmaking, collaging and sculpture. This is a full year course packed with creative collaboration and inspiration.


Yearbook and Media Design 9-12

Wondering about what it is like to work at a Graphics Design firm? Thinking about becoming a Graphic Designer, working for a print or web design company or being your own Graphic design boss? This class is for you!


Participating in a real-life project with deadlines, stylistic specifications, team collaboration requirements, and doing on and off-site photoshoots is crucial to the journey of becoming a Graphic Designer. For this reason, all students signed up for this course will be working on MacNeill’s Yearbook.

Skills you will learn:

  • Using Adobe Creative Cloud (CC) suite to process raw photos into creative, fun, and visually interesting elements that will be used in the Yearbook
  • Create attractive and eye-catching print or web elements from scratch using Adobe CC
  • How to use a customized company web tool/user interface to upload creations and have them ready for print or web publishing

Required commitments:

  • Everyone must have after school or PLT availability (at least 30 minutes) to take pictures of home games of various MacNeill sport teams, be prepared to attend or take at 1-2 photo sessions per month
  • Students wanting to be Editors (1 to 3 student leaders) must be prepared to commit  Twenty (20) to thirty (30) hours a month, of their afterschool or before-school time to help our class coordinate and meet deadlines, perform artistic, stylistic or writing checks for Yearbook pages. On average, Editors spend about 1 hour everyday (sometimes more nearing publication deadlines) before or after school, overseeing Yearbook components.

Successful students will:

  • Receive a reference letter discussing:
    • number of hours they committed to this class
    • individual achievements and outstanding personal work/projects submitted
    • commendations regarding ability to work in a team as well and overcoming deadlines and re-design challenges that are inherent to high-risk, high-reward projects that is the Yearbook
  • have access to Adobe CC tutorials containing essentials skills that industry professionals use to create vibrant and creative print and web projects
  • develop a set of interpersonal, technical, creative thinking and problem-solving skills for Graphic Design job applications
  • understand the interplay between computational thinking and unbound artistic creativity – Graphic Designers must be able to do both simultaneously!

Arts Studio 10 (2D/3D Studio Arts combined) (MVAST10)

This course is designed to continue to build upon both 2D & 3D art techniques and processes, focusing on the elements and principles of design. Emphasis will be on the development of students’ individual artistic abilities, as well as through personal growth and exploring identity through conceptual explorations. Students will be encouraged to develop their own: sources of inspiration for design, imagery and research skills - in the media or techniques chosen. In addition to collaborating/communicating with their peers, students will use their sketchbook to communicate/document original ideas through observation & research. They will explore mediums/materials in order to create original pieces through: drawing, painting, print-making, collaging and sculpture. This is a full year course that is dynamic and collaborative.


Photography 10 (MVAPH10)

This course is designed for the beginning photographer. Students will build a strong foundation in photography through theory and practice. Student will become familiar with the functions of the camera, photographic processes, elements of composition, the art of printing photographs, toning and mounting. Students will also use Adobe Photoshop to accomplish certain digital effects. The major emphasis will be on digital photography. It is an advantage to the student to have access to a digital camera, preferably a single lens reflex camera which has f-stops, shutter speeds and focus control, as the school has a limited supply. Evaluation will be based on sketchbooks, assignments, projects and written and practical tests. Basic supplies will be provided to students in order to meet the learning outcomes of this course. Should a student wish to use optional materials to enhance or elaborate upon the learning outcomes, then these may be purchased directly (and brought to the school) or through the school on a cost-recovery basis.

        SD Memory Card
        Hard bound blank paged journal

Art Studio 11 (Foundations 11) (MVAST11)

In Art Studio 11, students will experience a wide variety of techniques and processes. It involves both 2D and 3D art activities – with a focus on skill development, focusing on the elements and principles of design. Students will explore materials/mediums to develop & create orginal drawings, paintings, mixed media pieces, sculptures and more. Through direct study and observation, students will be able to develop an increased awareness of historical, social and cultural contexts. Also, students will be exposed to traditional and contemporary aboriginal worldviews, focusing on cross-cultural perspectives. They will develop an understanding and appreciate art forms from a variety of places, cultures, times and environments. Students will collaborate/communicate with peers - while researching, developing images and exploring personal themes. Portfolio development for post-secondary requirements - leading to career options in the arts - will also be supported.

Recommended Completed Course: Arts Studio 10


Photography 11 (MVAPH11)

Recommended: Photography 10 

Photography 11 is designed for students to further refine the skills and techniques learned in Photography 10. Emphasis will be on learning new methods to create and communicate your ideas, thoughts, and themes to leave a lasting resonance with the viewer. Students will become more familiar with studio equipment, special printing techniques, and capturing and editing digital images. Students will also use Adobe Photoshop 2022 to accomplish certain digital effects. Evaluation will be based on assignments, projects, written/practical tests and a portfolio comprised of your best work. Basic supplies will be provided to students in order to meet the learning outcomes of this course. Should a student wish to use optional materials to enhance or elaborate upon the learning outcomes, then these may be purchased directly (and brought to the school) or through the school on a cost-recovery basis. 

        Access to a DSLR camera
        SD Memory Card
        Hard bound blank paged journal this can be the same one used in Level


Studio Arts 3D 11 (Ceramics & Sculpture 11) (MVAC-11)

Whether new to sculpture or continuing from an earlier class, this course promises to challenge students with new ideas, through interesting and engaging lessons. Students will learn to use a variety of tools and techniques, as they explore themes and materials. Students will focus on image development – seeing their 2D preparation translate into original 3D works. Emphasis will be on creative/critical thinking, collaboration and craftsmanship. Further, students will be exposed to traditional and contemporary aboriginal worldviews, focusing on cross-cultural perspectives. They will develop an understanding and appreciation of art from a variety of places, cultures, times and environments – and most importantly, have fun creating their original pieces.                                                                                                                                                                                     

Recommended Completed Course: Arts Studio 10


Studio Arts 2D 11 (Drawing & Painting 11) (MVAD-11)

This 2D art course has a strong focus on designing, visual journaling, drawing, painting, collaging, mixed media, assemblage and printmaking. Students will explore mediums/materials while creating orginal pieces. They’ll learn techniques and skills in order to improve and enhance their artistic ability. Students will focus on: research, themes, image development and creative problem solving – through communicating/documenting ideas in their sketchbook. This positive and collaborative learning environment, will help influence their artistic development and personal style. They will be exposed to both contemporary and traditional aboriginal works of art, as well as a wide variety of artists from around the world, focusing on their history and culture. Whether students want to build skills for a career in art, develop a portfolio, or exercise their artistic side, this course is well suited for them.

Recommended Completed Course: Arts Studio 10


Art Studio 12 (Foundations 12) (MVAST12)

This course is a continuation of Art Studio 11 – focusing on both 2D and 3D art forms. It will continue to focus on the development of personal images, skills, techniques and themes - focusing on the elements and principles of design.  Students will continue to expand their knowledge of various historical, social and cultural contexts in art – through communicating/documenting ideas through research. They will build upon their previous skills - and explore a variety of techniques and media in more depth to create original pieces. Through collaboration and support, students will continue to develop their own artistic style. Portfolio development for post-secondary requirements - leading to career options in the arts - will also be supported.

Recommended Completed Courses: Art Studio 11 or Studio Arts 2D 11


Photography 12 (MVAPH12)
This unique course will offer advanced creative photographic opportunities to students who wish to explore and manipulate traditional photography techniques and multimedia for creative, communicative purposes. Emphasis will be on personal, social, historical, and political ways of expression through the photographic process. Students will also use Adobe Photoshop to accomplish certain digital effects. This course provides an excellent opportunity for students considering a career in the communication arts to help build a quality portfolio necessary for art school admission. Assignments will be self-directed under selected branch topics. At this level, students are expected to be self-motivated and work independently to develop their own unique personal style. Evaluation will be based on assignments, projects, practical research, and a final portfolio. Basic supplies will be provided to students to meet the learning outcomes of this course. Should a student wish to use optional materials to enhance or elaborate upon the learning outcomes, then these may be purchased directly (and brought to the school) or through the school on a cost-recovery basis.

        Access to a DSLR camera
        SD Memory Card
        Hard bound blank paged journal - this can be the same one used in Level 2


Studio Arts 3D 12 (Ceramics & Sculpture 12) (MVAC-12)

This course will build on the skills and techniques learned in previous sculpture classes, while focusing on new projects, materials and perspectives. The objective of this art course is to explore ideas through 3D medias, with a greater emphasis on the development of personal themes, images and styles. Although many specific themes, topics and techniques will be assigned, students will be expected to assert self-direction within their work – through researching/documenting ideas. After exploring themes and experimenting with materials, their final portfolio will show depth and variety in 3D explorations. Students will be expected to keep a visual journal to focus on image development and explorations. Portfolio development for post-secondary requirements - leading to career options in the arts - will also be supported.

Recommended Completed Courses: Studio Arts 3D 11 or Art Studio 11


Studio Arts 2D 12 (Drawing & Painting 12) (MVAD-12)

The objective of this art course is to continue to build on skills learned in previous art classes - while continuing to build skills within: designing, visual journaling, drawing, painting, collaging, mixed media, assemblage and printmaking – as seen in Studio Arts 2D 11. Although many specific themes, topics and techniques will be explored, students will be expected to assert self-direction within their work – through their detailed prep work, exhibiting visual communication / documentation skills. Students will explore a variety of media to create 2D art works, inspired by personal, historical, social and cultural realms. Their continual collaboration and critical/creative thinking will inform their personal themes throughout the course. This will allow their final portfolio to show depth and variety in 2D explorations. Students will be expected to keep a visual journal as a record of their ideas, observations, image development and explorations. Portfolio development for post-secondary requirements - leading to career options in the arts - will also be supported.

Recommended Completed Courses: Studio Arts 2D 11 or Art Studio 11