Applying to Post Secondary Schools
Look here for information on applying to Post Secondary institutions
JAN 31/25 - SFU Deadline to complete the Student Transcript Form to authorize SFU to access your official transcript from the Ministry JAN 31/25 - SFU Document Deadline for Entrance Scholarship applicants FEB 7/24 - SFU Beedie School of Business Applicants deadline to complete all items requested on the To-Do-List
FEB 28/25 Singspire Youth Scholarship 11:59 PM PST Deadline
This annual $500 scholarship is awarded to support a young musician in their musical development. This award may be used to pay for private lessons, choir fees, purchase of music or instruments, travel to a music program, participation in music festivals, post-secondary tuition or any other item relating to music
DEC 1/24 8:59 PTS SHAD 2024 deadline to apply.
Applications are now open for SHAD 2025! SHAD isn’t just a summer camp; it is a life experience that prepares for you for university. This month-long program for grade 10 and 11 students is now offered in-person or virtually where you will have the opportunity to develop amazing skills, make
NOV 30/24 10:59 PM Elevate Aviation - Pilot Bursaries deadline to apply
Elevate Aviation is offering several pilot bursaries designed to assist women who are passionate about flying in completing ground school, PPL, CPL, or any additional rating on a current licence with the intention of having a career as a pilot. Strictly recreational use does not apply. Bursaries range from $500
FEB 7/25 The Cmolik Foundation In-School Nominated Scholarship Deadline JAN 15/25 In-School nomination deadline
While a post-secondary education can be life-changing, it’s a goal that’s out of reach for many students. We’re trying to change that. Every year, we award up to 20 scholarships, each one a maximum of $45,000 paid over five years of study, to students graduating from BC high schools. Scholarship
JAN 20/25 SFU Uggla Family Scholarship Deadline
The scholarship program supports 10 exceptional students per year to study at SFU who may not otherwise be able to afford a university education. The program welcomes applications from candidates who identify as Indigenous, are Black or a person of colour, are living with a disability or are a member