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School assemblies – Social Media responsibility – Students, Staff and Parents.

We know that social media and cell phone use is a huge part of our current society’s norm. With this knowledge and trying to stay in front of the curve of technology use we engaged our students, staff and parents in a conversation around social media with a company called safer schools together. The presentation was called Establishing safe, caring and respectful digital communities. We offered two specific assemblies, specifically for our younger students grade 8 & 9 and another one for grade 10-12. Each of these assemblies talked about safety around the use of social media and the unknown data that you may be sharing without being fully aware of what you are sharing. It was a power message for students to hear and in conversations after the presentation many of the students started to change some of their digital footprint habits.

We also offered a targeted presentation from the same company to our parent/community.

As a parent/caregiver, you lead the charge as a digital role model. Help your child develop a strong digital citizenship foundation while reminding them that their digital tattoo reflects their real and online selves. Parents/Caregivers have an important role to play in providing support and guidance during critical periods in their child’s life. A snapshot of current trends and concerning apps will be provided to equip you in your digital parenting strategy.


• Social Media Updates - The most current apps and trends in your children’s social
media lives
• Digital Parenting Strategy - How to have important conversations with your child   around social media safety
• Digital Footprint and Reputation - With their future approaching, recruiters and employers are taking note - What will they find?
• Family Tech Plan - Recommendations for family guidelines and parental controls
• Understanding Privacy Settings and App Locks – a walkthrough of how to navigate privacy controls on your devices

Updated: Monday, July 1, 2024