Daily Announcements
Tuesday, Sept 17
Attention Cross Country Runners: our first League Meet Race is TOMORROW Wednesday Sept. 18th at MacNeill. Meet at the basketball court right after school. We also have practice TODAY after school. Go RAVENS!
Boys soccer team meeting in room 242 after school today. See you there!
Hello Ravens! Get excited for our annual Terry Fox Run happening next Thursday, September 26th! Please donate to our fundraiser, every $2 counts for a raffle ticket which can go towards a prize. Our goal is $1700 so let's get donating! We will be collecting donations during advisory and lunch in the lounge so make sure you come by!
For those who are volunteering for Passions 8 2-4 block, please show up to room 221 at the beginning of your 2-4 block to help with the grade 8's with their interviews. Thank you - Mr. Nguyen
Daily Special
Parm Chicken Burger & Fries • Tuesday
Spaghetti & Garlic Toast • Wednesday
Chipotle & Cheese Burger & Fries • Thursday
Pro-D Day (School Closed) • Friday
Monday, Sept 16
Calling all dancers! Interested in joining the Ravens dance team this year? Come out to a meeting at lunch today in the dance room, 155. See you there!
Boys soccer practice on the backfield today after school! There will also be a team meeting in room 242 after school tomorrow. See you there!
Library Volunteers! Orientation will be at lunch today in the library. If you've signed up or are interested, please drop by with your lunch! If you love books or keeping things organized, this could be the perfect chance to make-up those volunteer hours! For all other students, the library will be closed during lunch.
Hey Ravens! Student council’s grade rep applications are open! If you are interested in being a representative and voice for your grade in student council, the sign up link is on Stucos instagram post and bio or scan the QR code around the school!
Applications close September 20th and grade rep elections will be happening the first week of October! If you sign up, there will be a meeting on Monday, September 23rd in the learning center at lunch for more information!
Daily Special
Sweet & Sour Pork Rice Bowl • Monday
Parm Chicken Burger & Fries • Tuesday
Spaghetti & Garlic Toast • Wednesday
Chipotle & Cheese Burger & Fries • Thursday
Pro-D Day (School Closed) • Friday