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Health Science 11 and Health Science 12 can be found in the Physical Education Section


Science 9 (MSC--09)

Science 9 Workbook (Approx. $15) is available to purchase

Science 9 students will continue to develop the science competencies from the previous year, and begin to gain greater comfort and confidence in their learning. In this course, students will develop their scientific skills in a variety of competency areas, including: researching topics, demonstrating safety in the lab, preparing lab reports, solving problems, making/analyzing models & analogies, creating scientific visuals, and preparing for tests. Science 9 units include: Chemistry (atoms, elements & compounds), Biology (reproduction), Physics (electricity), and Earth Science (matter & energy flow).


Science 10 (MSC--10)

Science 10 Workbook (Approx. $15) is available to purchase

Students in Science 10 will continue to develop their abilities with our science competencies and these skills will help prepare them for their senior science years at MacNeill. The Science 10 course will be centered on these major topics: Chemistry (changes during reactions), Biology (genetics and evolution), and Physics (transformation of potential and kinetic energy). Students will investigate these topics through laboratory investigation, demonstrations, and class discussions.


Life Sciences 11 (MLFSC11)

Optional Life Sciences 11 Workbook (Approx. $15) is available to purchase or borrow.

Life Sciences 11 examines how life on earth is grouped together based on common characteristics, the evolutionary process that leads to variation at the population level, as well as the molecular and cellular level interactions that allow life to exist. Students will learn through hands-on investigative labs, problem solving, and other strategies. This course also offers the opportunity to explore biology with living organisms through a field trip, possibly to the Vancouver Aquarium.


Life Sciences 11 (Advanced Placement Preparation – “AP Prep”)) (MLFSC11-AP)

Recommended: Chemistry 11 be taken concurrently; 80% or higher in Science 10 and 73% Math 10

Optional Life Sciences 11 Workbook (Approx. $15) is available to purchase or borrow.

Content in this course is examinable on the AP Biology exam in grade 12. In addition to the provincial Life Sciences 11 curriculum, students will gain the lab and higher order processing skill sets in preparation for AP Biology 12, a university credit course. This course is designed to help students study biology in greater depth and assume the responsibility of reasoning, analyzing, and understanding for themselves. In addition to the course being theory intensive, it will also involve numerous lab activities that will help students gain the skills and the confidencethat will be beneficial in higher-level biology.


Anatomy & Physiology 12 (Previously Biology 12) (MATPH12)

Recommended: Chemistry 12 be taken concurrently; C+ standing or higher in Life Sciences 11

Optional Anatomy & Physiology 12 Workbook (Approx. $15) is available to purchase or borrow.

Anatomy & Physiology 12 concentrates on the human body and includes the study of the basic molecules of life, cell structure & cell processes (gene expression, metabolism and enzymes), and human physiology which focuses on digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous, urinary, and reproductive systems. Students will continue to develop the lab skills from Life Sciences 11 for various investigations and laboratory experiments.


AP® Biology 12 (ABIO-12)

**NOTE: Students signing up for this course must also sign up for Anatomy & Physiology 12 AP partner concurrently or the previous year. Anatomy & Physiology 12 is not an equivalent substitute. Recommended: Chemistry 12 be taken concurrently, 73% in Pre-Calculus 11

This is a University level course designed for students who are planning on taking further biology courses or enrolling in the biological science at a post-secondary institution. This course is taken in conjunction with Anatomy & Physiology 12 and is not a substitute. The course, in addition to being theory intensive, also involves several university level lab activities. The students have an opportunity to write the Advanced Placement Exam in May. If they achieve a sufficiently high score, they will earn post-secondary credits for biology and be exempt from taking certain first year biology courses.


Chemistry 11 (MCH--11)

Recommended: C standing or higher in Science 10 & Math 10 Chemistry 11

Workbook (Approx. $15) is available to purchase or borrow.

Chemistry is the study of matter and consists of the examination of a variety of topics. It is a lab- based course relating chemical properties & reactions of elements and compounds to the periodic table. We will explore various mathematical approaches and predictions with respect to chemical reactions. The labs in the course range from creating pineapple smelling organic compounds to producing crystals by recycling aluminum coke cans. Additional topics may include a unit of transition metal chemistry that provides a variety of interesting experiments that are normally done in university only. Evaluation of student work includes science competencies, labs, quizzes, and unit tests.


Chemistry 11 (Advanced Placement Preparation – “AP Prep”) (MCH--11AP)

Recommended: 80% or higher in Science 10 & Pre-Calculus 11 taken concurrently

This course is recommended for students who are planning to take AP Chemistry in grade 12. In addition to the Chemistry 11 curriculum, students will gain the lab and higher order processing skill sets in preparation for AP Chemistry 12, a university credit course. This course is setup to help students study chemistry in greater depth and detail and assume the responsibility of reasoning, analyzing, and understanding for themselves. In addition to the course being theory intensive, it will also involve numerous lab activities that will help students gain the skills and the confidence that will be beneficial in higher-level chemistry.


Chemistry 12 (MCH-12)

Recommended: C+ or higher in Pre-Calculus 11 & Chemistry 11

Chemistry 12 Workbook (Approx.$15) is available to purchase or borrow.

Chemistry 12 is an academic science course that prepares students for university-level studies in the field of chemistry. Students will build on their experiences in Chemistry 11 by investigating further into chemical processes through experimentation, concept questions, and discussion. There is a great emphasis on laboratory work and problem solving. Topics to be studied include rates of chemical reactions and reaction equilibria, acid/base reactions, electrochemistry, and analytical problem solving as it applies to chemistry.


AP® Chemistry 12 (ACHE-12)

Recommended: Pre-Calculus 11 completed or Pre-Calculus 12 taken concurrently

**NOTE: students signing up for this course must also sign up for Chemistry 12 AP partner.

AP Chemistry 12 Workbook (Approx.$15) is available to purchase or borrow.

This is a university level course designed for students who are planning on taking further chemistry courses or enrolling in the Faculty of Science at a post-secondary institution. This course is taken in conjunction with Chemistry 12 and is not a substitute.This course is both theoretically intensive and involves college-level laboratory work. Topics studied include bonding and intermolecular forces, spectroscopy, thermochemistry and thermodynamics, and deeper understanding of Chemistry 12 concepts. The students have an opportunity to write the Advanced Placement Exam in May. If they achieve a sufficiently high score, they will earn post-secondary credits for chemistry and could exempt from taking certain first year chemistry courses.


Physics 11 (MPH--11)

Recommended: C+ standing in Foundations and Pre-calculus Math 10 or better.

Optional Physics 11 Workbook (Approx. $15) is available to purchase or borrow.

The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the world of Physics. The course will be centered on these major topics: Kinematics (the study of motion and gravity), Dynamics (the study of forces and Newton’s 3 Laws of Motion), Energy, and Waves. Students will investigate these topics through laboratory activities, demonstrations, and class discussions. Students will also investigate practical applications of physics in everyday life through field trips. (Possible destinations include the amusement park and to the curling rink).


Physics 12 (MPH--12)

Recommended: C+ standing or better in Physics 11 and Pre-calculus 11

Physics 12 takes a more mathematically rigorous and demanding approach to topics compared to Physics 11. To support this increased mathematical depth, students are encouraged to take Pre-calculus 12 concurrently or in advance of this course. The curriculum covers a wide range of topics, including Special Relativity, Vector Dynamics, Mechanical Energy and Momentum, Equilibrium, Circular Motion, Gravitation, Electrostatics, and Electromagnetism. Additionally, the course incorporates First Peoples' knowledge, exploring their innovative applications of forces in traditional technologies.


Science for Citizens 11/12 (MSCCT11 & MSCCT12)

This course will help students achieve a science credit for graduation, but may not meet post-secondary admission requirements. Students should check admission requirements for the post-secondary institutions of their choice. Students will learn how scientific processes and knowledge inform our decisions and impact our daily lives, and how scientific understanding enables humans to respond and adapt to changes locally and globally. Students will also learn how scientific knowledge can be used to develop procedures, techniques, and technologies that have implications for places of employment. These topics will be studied through a hands-on, lab-based approach whenever possible.