Daily Announcement
Thursday February 13
A reminder that tomorrow is a Pro-D Day and Monday is Family Day - No School for students!
MacNeill Gaming Club is having a Pokémon Pocket Tournament next week Wednesday and Thursday. Come to the room 115 door to scan the QR code to sign up
Are you an International Students? You are invited for Pizza in the library today at lunch. Ms. MacDonald and Counsellors will review a few items and answer some questions. Additionally, the School District RIE is running a field trip to the Rocky Mountains in Alberta during Spring Break. If you are interested in this optional Field Trip.
If you are interested in playing ice hockey, there will be a mandatory meeting next week on Tuesday at lunch in Mr. Hockley's room 246.
The Spring Athletics season is just around the corner! Please sign up using the QR code outside the large gym to express your interest. The Spring sports include: badminton, ultimate, gr 8 & 9 boys volleyball, golf, ice hockey, girls soccer and tennis! All teams are subject to player and coach interest.
Hey everyone! come to the lounge during lunch for the yearbook’s valentines day photo booth.
The library will be closed at lunch today for an RIE meeting. Don't forget to drop by after school to pick up a book for the long weekend and drop off any Reading Riot ballots for this week's draw!
If you’re interested in being a badminton team manager for Bantam, Junior, or Senior, there will be a meeting in Mr. Li’s room on Thursday Feb 20th at lunch.
The Senior Badminton team Tryouts will be on Feb 20th, Thursday, after school in the big gym. If you are unable to make the tryouts, please see Mr. Li
Daily Special
Popeye Chicken Burger & Fries • Thursday
Pro-D Day (Students Not in Attendance) • Friday
Wednesday February 12
A reminder to all pottery club members, the meeting has been rescheduled to today after school as there is no school on Friday
Are you an International Students? You are invited for Pizza lunch in the library tomorrow February 13, at lunch. The counsellors and I will review a few items and answer some questions. Additionally, the School District RIE is running a field trip to the Rocky Mountains in Alberta during Spring Break. If you are interested in this optional Field Trip.
Hey everyone! come to the lounge during lunch for the yearbook’s valentines day photo booth.
Please note there is one scholarship open to Gr 11 students. The deadline is MAR 31 at 3PM. The Horatio Alger Canadian Scholarship is valued at up to $25,000. Students must be:
Canadian Citizens
Family has financial need (family income under $65,000)
Overcome adversity
GPA of 70%
Committed to attending post secondary in Fall 2026
If you meet the qualifications and want to apply, check out the Scholarships board in the Counselling Center for the on-line application information.
Daily Special
Popeye Chicken Burger & Fries • Thursday
Pro-D Day (Students Not in Attendance) • Friday
Tuesday February 11
Attention all theatre company members! There will be a brief mandatory meeting at the start of lunch today to go over the details of Wednesday’s field trip. See you there.
To all pottery club members: the meeting time has changed from Friday to Wednesday after school this week.
Hey everyone! come to the lounge during lunch on thursday for the yearbook’s valentines day photo booth.
The Library Learning Commons will be closed after school today. If you have a book to pick up, please try to do so during lunch or break. If you're returning a book, you can put it in the after-hours book drop near the Aspen wing. Thank you for your understanding and happy reading!
Daily Special
Big Mac Sloppy Joe Burger & Fries • Tuesday
Mac & Cheese + Garlic Toast • Wednesday
Popeye Chicken Burger & Fries • Thursday
Pro-D Day (Students Not in Attendance) • Friday
Monday February 10
Attention all theatre company members! There will be a brief mandatory meeting at the start of lunch tomorrow (Tuesday) to go over the details of Wednesday’s field trip. See you there.
hey everyone! come to the lounge during lunch on thursday for the yearbook’s valentines day photo booth.
Week 5 of the Reading Riot has come to a close, Ravens! We have two weekly prize winners this time. The first for Week 5 is... Caitlin Littlejohn in grade 9! Our second winner is... Shanelle Goronal in grade 10! Congratulations winners!! Come drop by the Library at lunch or after school to collect your prize. If your name wasn't drawn this time, don't worry! All ballots will be kept until the end of the Reading Riot and entered into our Grand Prize draw where you'll have even more chances to win. Don't forget that with Pro-D this Friday, you only have 4 days to enter the prize draw for week 6. Read, rate, repeat!
Daily Special
Crispy Ginger Beef Rice Bowl • Monday
Big Mac Sloppy Joe Burger & Fries • Tuesday
Mac & Cheese + Garlic Toast • Wednesday
Popeye Chicken Burger & Fries • Thursday
Pro-D Day (Students Not in Attendance) • Friday