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MS Booking System Feedback regarding Parent Teacher Interviews

Recently, MacNeill Secondary held Parent Teacher Interviews on December 11 and 12. We've change the booking system we used previously to MS Bookings, a Microsoft Application. Since this is our first time using this application,  we are gathering feedback from our parent/guardian community in order to make the process smoother going forward. We are hoping that you would be able to take a couple of minutes to fill out a short survey which will provide us with some feedback to be able to improve ease of use. The survey will be open until January 15th at 6:00pm.

Please click the link to access the survey: 

If you have any questions, please do not hesiate to contact us at the school. 


Thank you in advance for your time,

Afamdi Onukwulu


A.R. MacNeill Secondary

Updated: Tuesday, December 17, 2024