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Daily Announcements

Friday June 21

For all students, this is a reminder to make sure you have access to your MyEd accounts. Report Cards will be posted online June 27th. Please ensure you have tried "I forgot my password" before filling out the clipboard in the office.

We have posted "Outstanding Fee" and "Textbook Overdue" lists outside of the office. Please check to see if your name is on there. If those fees aren't paid, you won't be able to attend any of the grad events or get your yearbook. See Ms. Hu if there is any concern.


Yearbook distribution will happen on Monday June 24 - the last day of school - from 8:30 to 8:50 AM. Arrive early and get your yearbooks before the Summer Fest!


Hey ravens! Announcement to general members of stuco, we will be requiring assistance to help with summer festival set up on Monday June 24th. Set up will take place at 9AM after yearbook distribution, and make sure to tell Mr. Leung if you are willing to volunteer in order to get yourself excused. Make sure to volunteer!


Hey Ravens! Model UN Club will host a tug-of-war event during the summer festival at 1 o'clock! There will be three rounds: grade 8s vs grade 9s, grade 10s vs grade 11s, and grade 12s vs teachers! Bring your friends and invite your teachers to end the year with an action-filled event!


The library is unfortunately closed at lunch today. Thank-you for your understanding.


Attention all students from grade 8-12 who made a clay project in Ms Lockharts or Walker’s class. Please come and collect your pieces today or Monday latest as we cannot store over the summer.


Susan in the cafeteria is retiring. Please come by to have a slice of cake to send her off!


Daily Special

Popeye Chicken Burger & Fries • Friday



Thursday June 20

We have posted "Outstanding Fee" and "Textbook Overdue" lists outside of the office. Please check to see if your name is on there. If those fees aren't paid, you won't be able to attend any of the grad events or get your yearbook. See Ms. Hu if there is any concern.


Yearbook distribution will happen next Monday June 24 - the last day of school - from 8:30 to 8:50 AM. Arrive early and get your yearbooks before the Summer Fest!


Hey ravens! Announcement to general members of stuco, we will be requiring assistance to help with summer festival set up on Monday June 24th. Set up will take place at 9AM after yearbook distribution, and make sure to tell Mr. Leung if you are willing to volunteer in order to get yourself excused. Make sure to volunteer!


Today is the last day to pre-order food from the Mahshiko food truck at the Summer Festival next Monday. Prices will be higher on the day of, so visit our booth in the lounge at lunch today!


Daily Special

Mac & Cheese + Garlic Toast • Thursday

Popeye Chicken Burger & Fries • Friday



Wednesday June 19

Hey ravens! Announcement to general members of stuco, we will be requiring assistance to help with summer festival set up on Monday June 24th. Set up will take place at 9AM after yearbook distribution, and make sure to tell Mr. Leung if you are willing to volunteer in order to get yourself excused. Make sure to volunteer!


Reminder for all grads that there will be an assembly for dinner dance & dry grad held during third block 1(3) on Thursday June 20th in the Theatre. Please ensure you attend this.


A reminder that grad dinner/dance table groups are due THIS FRIDAY! If you have not gotten a sheet to choose your groups, please talk to Mr. Leung as soon as possible


TRACK AND FIELD TREAM! we have treats for you TODAY. come down to the small gym  at the start of lunch to pick one up! see you there! 


The yearbook have arrived! Yearbook distribution will happen next Monday June 24 - the last day of school - from 8:30 to 8:50 AM. Arrive early and get your yearbooks before the Summer Fest!


Today is the second last day to pre-order food from the Mahshiko food truck at the Summer Festival next Monday. Tomorrow is the last day, and prices will be higher on the day of, so visit our booth in the lounge at lunch today or tomorrow!


Daily Special

Butter Chicken Sesame Rice Bowl • Wednesday

Mac & Cheese + Garlic Toast • Thursday

Popeye Chicken Burger & Fries • Friday



Tuesday June 18

Attention all Buzz Art Club members, our last meeting of the year will be held on Wednesday this week – see you all there!!!

Reminder for all grads that there will be an assembly for dinner dance & dry grad held during third block 1(3) on Thursday June 20th in the Theatre. Please ensure you attend this.


Attention Athletes - if you would like to access your photos from PLT photoshoots with the Yearbook, please go to the upstairs computer lab - C241 - just across from Learning Centre in the C wing tomorrow during PLT. Again any athletes wanting to download their photos from PLT photoshoots have this Wednesday to download their favourite photos.
You must have a working sd38 account in order to gain access to photos. Thanks! From Mr. B and the Yearbook team


Speaking of Yearbook.... they have arrived! Yearbook distribution will happen next Monday June 24 - the last day of school - from 8:30 to 8:50 AM. Arrive early and get your yearbooks before the Summer Fest!


Hey MacNeill! Our music students are holding a FREE concert today. Doors open at 5PM. Support your peers and also cheer on the Tomsett Elementary band as they will be joining MacNeill music for tomorrow's festivities! See you all tomorrow, June 18, at 6PM And a reminder to all music students - there will be a short meeting today after school. Please come by the Music room for a short rehearsal and announcements from Mr. B


Daily Special

BBQ Ribs & Fries • Tuesday

Butter Chicken Sesame Rice Bowl • Wednesday

Mac & Cheese + Garlic Toast • Thursday

Popeye Chicken Burger & Fries • Friday



Monday June 17

Hey MacNeill! Our music students are holding a FREE concert tomorrow at 6PM. Doors open at 5PM. Support your peers and also cheer on the Tomsett Elementary band as they will be joining MacNeill music for tomorrow's festivities! See you all tomorrow, June 18, at 6PM And a reminder to all music students - there will be a short meeting today after school. Please come by the Music room for a short rehearsal and announcements from Mr. B


Attention Athletes - if you would like to access your photos from PLT photoshoots with the Yearbook, please go to the upstairs computer lab - C241 - just across from Learning Centre in the C wing this Wednesday June 19 during PLT. Again any athletes wanting to download their photos from PLT photoshoots have this Wednesday to download their favourite photos. You must have a working sd38 account in order to gain access to photos. Thanks! From Mr. B and the Yearbook team


Speaking of Yearbook.... they have arrived! Yearbook distribution will happen next Monday June 24 - the last day of school - from 8:30 to 8:50 AM. Arrive early and get your yearbooks before the Summer Fest!


Daily Special

Beef Bulgogi Rice Bowl • Monday

BBQ Ribs & Fries • Tuesday

Butter Chicken Sesame Rice Bowl • Wednesday

Mac & Cheese + Garlic Toast • Thursday

Popeye Chicken Burger & Fries • Friday

Updated: Friday, June 21, 2024