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National Child & Youth Mental Health Day - Online Event for Parents and Caring Adults with Dr. Ross Greene

FamilySmart would like to share their May 4th event news with parents and caregivers who may like to listen to Dr. Ross Greene speak about how Collaborative and Proactive Solutions can help us show kids we care about them. Solving problems together creates connection and allows our children to be a part of finding solutions to what is causing their concerning behaviour. Dr. Greene’s work reminds us that things go better for everyone, when we solve problems together and that kids do well if they can.

Time:  Thursday, May 4th   6:00pm - 8:00pm (PST) on Zoom 

Register at :  Dr. Ross Greene - Collaborative & Proactive Solutions: Moving From Power and Control to Collaboration and Problem-Solving - FamilySmart


Updated: Thursday, April 27, 2023